they just cant stop the torture!!
after slotting like a cow to maintain a good cgpa for all my semester to get the scholarship offered by my uni (praise God that He sees me through).....i still cant get it..!!! Y? coz they so nicely decided to change the scholarship offering scheme! actually, THEY CHANGE IT EVERY DARN SEMESTER!! i'm so fedup of them!! can't they just make up their silly minds?!?!?! in one sentance....this uni does not hv standard!!
[one day they say i cud get the scholarship after maintaining cgpa 3.5 and above for the whole of my foundation. after maintaining, they say i cud oni get the scholarship after my 1st semester of my degree with maintaining cgpa 3.5 and above. again after slotting, they finally say again "oh, the scheme changed(with a smile). u could oni get a scholarship after going through 3 semester of your degree.(still smiling)"]
i just feel like smashing into pieces.....if they don't wana give it to me just say so!! y give me all the false hope?!?!?! and making me look like a total idiot walking into the admin office evry single semester asking for a scholarship , untill the admin lady recognizes me!!!! this sucks!!! the uni sucks!!! the admin worse still!!
God do somthing please!!! eventhough i got the PTPTN loan (thank you so much God!!), i still don't hv enough to cover my whole fees....i'm like 6thousand bucks plus short!!! is there any other 'no-strings-attached' scholarship available out there? God i seriously don't know me!!!