Saturday, August 25, 2007

moving on to greater heights

So many things unthinkable, uncomprehensive, unimaginable, beyond phantom is happening everyday....things you cant beleive that would happen to you is being made true....prophecies coming to past.... the thought of it is mind-boggling.

Fears, of the inability to handle the situation, the task, the position is raw and real, and all the what if this...? what if that...? goes through the mind without fail. ah, the reality that i'm so human begins to dawn in me, as the care-free moments fade away.

A small spark of hope still blaze and beleive that it can be done and yes, it's true that if only i take the 1st step of faith, then only God will reveil the next step to take. Yes, i'm only human, which makes me yearn and depend on His strength and mercy and wisdom more.

I'm moving on to greater heights. Looking on beyond the horizon. Setting my sights on the goal. Believing that it can be done, as I hv both God and dear friends to count on.

Yes, i'm moving on.


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